Web space is how much disk space you have on our servers
in Mbs for storing your files. The more space you have the more
(and larger files) you can store
You use the control panel to administer your website, DNS, mail accounts,
web applications etc. We offer both Plesk and cPanel control panels. They
both do very similar functions.
This is the operating system we use to host your files. Linux is the premier
web hosting OS on the Internet, all reseller accounts are run on Linux:
Centos & Ubunutu
You need an FTP account to upload files to your website - you can create
as many FTP accounts as you want and giver different levels of access to
different users
You can create as manu domain aliases as you require - e.g., you might
have the domain eziweb.net.nz and want to point it to ezi.co.nz, you would
add eziweb.net.nz as an alias to ezi.co.nz